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2 More Points

REVEALED: Dr. Peter McCullough’s Proven COVID Healing Protocol & Early Treatments

  • Dr. McCullough’s exact over-the-counter treatment protocol (Big Pharma has done their best to censor this but we are giving it away to you for free)
  • Why so many COVID treatments have been censored from the public
  • Why this protocol could have helped over 1 MILLION reported adverse reactions the this experimental vaccine
  • The reason we believe these alternative treatment methods are “Big Pharma’s biggest nightmare”
  • Why Dr. Peter McCullough believes “there was an intentional, very comprehensive, suppression of early treatment in order to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization, and death.”
  • Plus all of the other suppressed and censored information you’ll never hear from the mainstream media

Yours FREE — $37 Value

5 More Points

Beyond Omicron: What You Need to Know about the Never-Ending Variants Deltacron, Flurona  
  • Dr. Peter McCullough’s incredible treatment recommendations that are proven to work for any current variant that exists
  • Numerous studies proving that Omicron is not as scary as the mainstream media fearmongers would have you believe
  • How Big Pharma and the global government continue to get away with their vaccine agenda while their hands are covered in blood
  • The top treatment protocols we’ve found and how you can get your hands on them without the need to see a doctor of any kind
  • The startling reasons that our experts believe Big Pharma continues to suppress life saving information from the public while they continue to push their vaccine agenda (no matter how many deaths pile up)
  • Why we are calling this “The Vaccine Genocide” and how you can protect yourself your personal freedoms (and maybe even your own life)
  • Plus all of the other suppressed and censored information you’ll never hear from the mainstream media
The Real Agenda: Fourth COVID Shot and Counting — Big Pharma’s Endgame
  • Why the mainstream media continues the fear tactics and Big Pharma supports it (here’s a BIG hint: $$)
  • How Big Pharma and the global government continue to get away with their vaccine agenda while their hands are covered in blood
  • Why Bill Gates is saying this might be a “dress rehearsal” for the next big pandemic (is this all a part of their master agenda?)
  • The disgusting monetary wealth gained by shareholders and execs including $10.31 billion in wealth gained by just eight shareholders of Pfizer and Moderna
Yours FREE — $74 Value

20 More Points

Autoimmune Answers Series digital access

Bring 70 world-leading expert doctors, scientists, and patients that have reversed their autoimmune conditions into your home. You’ll have ALL the tools, tips and techniques at your fingertips to prevent, reverse, and overcome chronic, painful autoimmune diseases once and for all!

  • Discover what autoimmune disease is and the many forms it can take (over 100 diseases, including diabetes, Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Graves disease)
  • Learn about the actual ROOT CAUSES of autoimmune disease
  • Uncover the corruption in the health industry that leads to autoimmune disease (or inhibits healing)
  • Find out what side-effects pharmaceuticals can have in autoimmune disease
  • Realize that there IS hope, even if you’ve been told there is no hope, no cure
  • Discover steps you can take to prevent and even recover from autoimmune disease

Yours FREE — $297 Value

50 More Points

Vaccine Injury Recovery & Immune Priming Masterclass

Three of America’s top natural medicine doctors will show you how to boost immunity naturally and effectively, help prevent COVID and other infections, and equip your immune system to fight off any invading viruses.

Now is the time to learn the natural ways to protect your body and rid yourself of any toxins and environmental agents that can cause you harm. Each expert doctor we’ve interviewed has their own unique perspective that, when put together, creates a comprehensive plan that can protect you from most anything thrown your way.

Here’s a small glimpse at the vast amount of information you’ll find inside this powerful Masterclass (yours free when you purchase while episodes are still airing).

  • Learn which nutrients will help boost your immune system and protect you from any outside invaders
  • Discover which nutraceuticals our top doctor recommends for early treatment of COVID (Jane Orient shares her exact protocol she’s discovered via strenuous research)
  • Find out which protocol safely and effectively detoxes toxins and heavy metals from the COVID jab (even if you don’t get the jab, you’ll want to understand this information)
Vaccine Injury Recovey & Immune Priming Masterclass - Package Box

And that’s not all, take a look at everything we’ve included for you below…

  • 5 videos with Dr. Henry Ealy
  • 4 videos with Dr. Bryan Ardis
  • 3 videos with Dr. Jonathan Murphy

12 total videos, all your on-demand

12 transcripts included of every single video

12 MP3s for listening on-the-go

All recordings will be stored in your membership area and transcribed for you to read.​

Yours FREE — $497 Value


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Step 3: Set Some Time Off in your calendar

We will send our episode every day that shares experts insight about autoimmunity, health and general wellbeing.

Our episodes play for a limited time only, so make sure you set some time off every single day to watch all the episodes, while they’re still free of charge.




Airing on March 15 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • Breaking news from a recent Senate hearing that left numerous freedom fighters “emotionally spent” (you can’t miss these powerful interviews directly from the Senate hearing)
  • New Data: Shocking vaccine injury reports (many reports discuss those that are permanently disabled or worse)
  • The startling reasons that our experts believe Big Pharma continues to suppress life-saving information from the public while they continue to push their vaccine agenda (no matter how many deaths pile up)
  • How to protect your body with alternative treatment methods THEY would never want you to know about
  • The best way to stay informed when you’re facing neverending censorship
  • Shocking speeches given at a recent Senate hearing that you will enjoy hearing (these experts showed the global government the TRUTH)
  • Numerous studies prove that Omicron is not as scary as the mainstream media fearmongers would have you believe (see them for yourself in this episode)
  • Plus all of the other suppressed and censored information you’ll never hear from the mainstream media


  • See why the FDA told one of our expert doctors they would send him vaxx data in 75 years but they took only 108 days to approve the experimental vaxx
  • Learn the (not so) shocking fraud and lies we’ve been fed the past two years by Big Pharma and the global government
  • See the truth behind the production of fraudulent data and how they used it to manipulate most of our planet into believing anything that would help them profit
  • Watch Dr. Henry Ealy share exactly how they manipulated data to take our freedom away with mandates and lockdowns
  • See shocking info on the Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Disease report that called C0VID-19 a “bioweapon”
  • The Nuremberg Code was blatantly violated, see how this happened and why it’s such a shocking revelation
  • Plus more disturbing stories and data exposing their lies and corruption


Airing on March 16 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • The reason my team and I are calling this a “vaccine genocide” and what Big Pharma is NOT telling you
  • With over 24,000 deaths, where does this all end? Watch this episode to find the censored data behind this madness
  • How this “hidden agenda” continues pushing forward and how YOU can help us put an end to this madness
  • The dangerous data that reveals the “death machine” they’ve kept us inside of for two years now (plus how to protect yourself in the future of this battle)
  • Why the FDA still pushed the experimental vaxx forward when they KNEW the side effects (shocking internal report)
  • How to keep you and your loved ones protected from the vaccine and the virus (see what top medical experts I spoke with recommend)
  • The “weird” cancers that are popping up, post-jab
  • How to naturally boost your immunity and remain safe during this ongoing plandemic
  • The true reason Big Pharma, the global government, and the mainstream media refuse to tell you the real number of deaths (this would cost them tens of billions of dollars)


  • Hear how they are still trying to cover up the fact that this virus is man-made and see the truth behind what really happened
  • Is the United States government funding the production of bioweapons? One of our experts says YES
  • Learn the truth about the dangers of the spike proteins and the harm they can cause any organ in your body
  • See why the CDC shut down the Swine Flu vaxx after around 50 deaths yet this one continues with over 24,000 deaths
  • Discover what Big Pharma is hiding from us and why it’s not being publicized by the mainstream media
  • Take a look at how experts read reports like VAERS and extract the real data from them (the real data shows there’s A LOT more going on that you would guess)
  • Is artificial intelligence being used with this vaxx technology? See the details in this episode
  • Plus more information from our experts that reveals the data they would prefer remain hidden


Airing on March 17 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • The startling reason one doctor believes we could have prevented the majority of COVID deaths (you have to hear this to believe it)
  • How the experts in this episode overcame and adapted to heal their patients from COVID and the jab (and how you can too)
  • The exact alternative medicines that can potentially save your life if you have to battle COVID
  • What to do if you or a loved one are infected and which natural protocols are recommended (I cover this in detail with numerous expert guests)
  • The truth about what’s working and why Big Pharma will NEVER tell you about these methods (it would cost them billions of dollars)
  • Breaking news about what’s really working to cure COVID and why the global government isn’t helping spread this data
  • Simple, effective treatment options you can buy at your local pharmacy (no doctors required)
  • See the top options to prevent future illness and injury from COVID (all is revealed in this powerful episode)


  • Hear from Dr. Ealy on why natural immunity is far superior to the jab and how you can optimize your body this way
  • See how Big Pharma manipulates their data through the shady practice they call ‘relative risk reduction’
  • Learn the exact methods the CDC used to changed the definition of ‘vaccine’ to suit their C0V1D narrative.
  • Pfizer and J&J jabs only last 6 months, learn the best way to tap into your natural immunity and protect yourself
  • Watch Dr. Neuenschwander’s example of how they used fear to attempt large-scale manipulation over the past two years
  • Discover how the vaxx programs your body to produce dangerous spike proteins (and how you can protect yourself)
  • Plus much more information that will show you how to tap into your natural immunity to remain safe


Airing on March 18 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • The reason we believe these alternative treatment methods are “Big Pharma’s biggest nightmare”
  • The top methods the experts we spoke with have used to help their patients recover from the terrible side effects of the jab
  • How to remain safe and health with new variants inevitably heading our way in the future
  • Dr. Sherwood’s “7 Pillars of Health” and how they can help you remain safe during the ongoing plandemic
  • The best strategies to battle and vaxx injuries, including the possibility of death if not taken care of quickly (our experts share exact protocols they’ve tested on thousands of patients)
  • The exact over-the-counter treatment protocols doctors are using all over the world to heal their patients (Big Pharma has done their best to censor this but we are giving it away to you for free)
  • Why we have to be the ones who give you life-saving alternative treatments and why we believe Big Pharma will never help you
  • What’s the best alternative treatment option for you and your loved ones (each person has unique needs, you need to watch this episode to fully understand your options)


  • Listen to Liana Rivers’ shocking story about her horrific post-vaxx reaction (this was very upsetting to hear but it does have a happy ending)
  • Get Dr. Ealy’s exact 14-day healing regimen that can help anyone with post-vaxx reactions
  • See how one victim thought she would NOT survive the vaxx (and how she pulled off a miraculous recovery with one of our expert’s help)
  • Learn the method one man used to recover from adverse reactions after receiving 6 vaccines
  • Hear about an incredible recovery using only water and key nutrients (this was an incredibly powerful turnaround for one vaxx injured patient)
  • Plus many other incredible stories of healing and recovery you won’t want to miss


Airing on March 19 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • The top protocols for healing your gut and keeping your immune system ready for battle (You’ll be amazed how easy and effective they are)
  • Why victims are losing 40% of their immune cells every 4 weeks after receiving the jab
  • The “best weapon” you have to battle COVID (Dr. Ardis reveals all)
  • How to bolster your immune system for anything, especially new variants and whatever else they throw our way
  • The real data that’s been proven to help protect your body if infected by COVID
  • Why our expert guests believe this is more of a “bioweapon” than a vaccine
  • Which natural medicines are key to bolstering your immunity (They’ll heal your leaky gut!)
  • Do we really have immunity against variants? (See Dr. Ardis’ answer in this powerful episode)
  • Why the U.S. spends more than any other country on healthcare and how you can protect yourself from falling into this demographic


  • Discover the natural protocols one doctor recommends to heal from nearly any post-vaccine injuries including fatigue, chest pain, limb water retention, like swollen ankles, swollen knees.
  • Find out what really works with natural medicine and how you can apply it to heal from COVID or the vaccine
  • Hear from our experts about the natural medicine protocols they’ve been using to prime the immune system, detox from the harmful toxins in the jab, and reverse chronic, and often life-threatening autoimmune diseases
  • Learn one doctor’s powerful healthcare philosophy that’s helped her patients heal naturally and feel much better than before
  • See the most frequently recommended nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and other supplements used to protect and heal your body
  • Plus so much more information surrounding natural medicine and how to heal and protect your body, naturally


Airing on March 20 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” – Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum – and Father of the “Great Reset”
  • How to look at data, analyze it, and make your own decisions (our experts show you how they have formed their own opinions)
  • The truth about this “bioweapon” and why it was released on our society with devastating repercussions
  • Why Bill Gates is saying this might be a “dress rehearsal” for the next big pandemic (another part of their master agenda?)
  • Doctors and medical experts are finally banding together to expose the real agenda, we share ALL of the data with you inside this special episode
  • The disgusting monetary wealth gained by shareholders and execs including $10.31 billion in wealth gained by just eight shareholders of Pfizer and Moderna
  • How the vaccine is more of a population control mechanism than anything that actually “saves lives” as they’d have you believe
  • How Big Pharma and the global government continue to get away with their vaccine agenda while their hands are covered in blood (over 24,000 dead and 1 million+ verified vaxx injuries)


  • Answered: Is this all part of a much larger money making scheme?
  • See the startling uncovered information that reveals just how deep their corruption goes and what they’re truly hiding from us
  • Why did they make this virus seem much more deadly than it was and how did they manipulate data to do that?
  • Hear what our experts think they have up their sleeve and what you can expect to happen next (it might not be what you’re thinking)
  • Discover why they refuse to admit the VACCINE is the real problem here and not the VIRUS
  • Plus so much more censored information they have tried to bury for the past two years


Airing on March 21 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • The truth behind what happens to women and children when they receive this experimental vaccine
  • Why they won’t tell us about the data they’ve collected regarding pregnant women and the jab (they’ve got the data, they just won’t reveal it)
  • Do they really know the risks for women and children? Sadly, it seems they do
  • Should you or your loved ones receive the vaccine while pregnant? (Watch this episode before you make ANY decisions)
  • The simple decisions you can make after watching this episode that could protect your children from future vaccine-related problems
  • How to handle any future mandates regarding child vaccinations (this is scary, yet very, very real)
  • The most effective way to remain vigilant in your stand against the jab (we give you help with data and information to stand strong in your convictions)
  • How the jab could affect women’s fertility – and be passed onto future generations through changes in the mother’s body


  • See why our experts call this a “bioweapon” and how you can protect yourself from the malicious behavior of Big Pharma’s future plans
  • Why have they gone to such crazy lengths to convince the public that COVID is so deadly? Learn the answer inside this episode
  • Is this vaxx effective at all and is it really as deadly as you’ve heard? You need to learn this truth
  • What are the true number of deaths from this experimental jab and how has this been hidden for over two years?
  • Revealed: Why many experts call this the “dirtiest” vaccine ever created
  • Plus so much more on how they are using this experimental vaxx to potentially control populations and harm us all


Airing on March 22 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • The startling reasons that our experts believe the global government’s tyranny knows now ends and will continue to suppress life-saving information from the public (and how you can do your part to stop their agenda)
  • Our recommended methods for protecting your freedom and standing up for your personal rights (this is the information you need to know)
  • How the global government has continued their suppression of lifesaving data (this is shocking, yet true)
  • The best methods for standing up for yourself and maintaining your freedom in the face of inevitable tyranny
  • Why so many C0VID treatments have been censored from the public
  • The shocking story about how one doctor came up with a treatment protocol that worked on 99% of his patients, yet was still censored
  • How far will the tyrannical global government continue to push this? We reveal all we know, including future predictions
  • The overwhelming stories one doctor shared with us and how it could impact your own life as well
  • Why Dr. Peter McCullough believes “there was an intentional, very comprehensive, suppression of early treatment in order to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization, and death.”


  • See why one expert REFUSES to call this a “vaccine” and what she has to say about the whole plandemic in general
  • Learn why it is so vitally important that we have zero censorship in the future and what we can do about it right now
  • Answered: Why our very own governments are hiding SO much data from us
  • Discover the shocking ties to Nazi Germany that Big Pharma has (this is too shocking for the mainstream media to EVER publicize)
  • They have modified death certificates to better fit their agenda, what are they doing and why is it being done?
  • Plus many more startling details about the depth of corruption in our global government and the corporations that run our planet


Airing on March 23 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • How to overcome ANY future mandates (we share the legal rights most people don’t know they have)
  • The ongoing censorship of treatments that work and how to make sure you are not the victim of their tyranny
  • Why the experts in this episode believe this vaccine is way more harmful than the actual virus (and how you can continue to protect yourself)
  • Breaking news regarding mandates and the never-ending “booster battles”
  • How we proceed forward now that we know the TRUTH
  • The best ways you can protect your freedom and stand up for your personal rights (this is the information you need to know to remain safe and free)
  • More mandates on their way? See what our experts believe will happen in the very near future
  • What do the next 10, 20, or 50 years hold for us after we’ve faced extreme tyranny?


  • What you can do if you are afraid for your personal freedoms (our experts share what’s worked for them when attempting to remain free)
  • How the tyranny continues to increase and what you can do in the face of inevitable judgment and potential mandates
  • The simplest way to stand up for yourself when battling dictators and ongoing oppression
  • Why NOT getting the jab is not selfish (plus, how to remain vigilant in your battle against harsh criticism)
  • How to remind yourself that you are not alone and where to turn when you feel that you are
  • Plus so much more encouragement when you’re continuing to battle for your personal freedom

Here's Exactly What's Inside Each Episode:​

Airing on January 10 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • Why are unapproved experimental vaccines being pushed on us?
  • What’s really in the COVID-19 injections? Why are they unlike any other vaccines? And how do they actually work? Dr. Larry Palevsky reveals the 5 crucial points why they’re not vaccines — as taught in medical schools.
  • Top doctors explain how messenger RNA can change the expression of your genes — permanently.
  • How ingredients in the COVID shot can trigger a cytokine storm, cause inflammation in the brain and spinal cord, and result in autoimmune diseases like Multiple Sclerosis and Guillain Barre

Airing on January 11 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • How the unapproved, experimental COVID vaccines have turned millions of people into human guinea pigs
  • Why does VAERS — the “official” government database for vaccine deaths and adverse reactions — reflect only 1% of the true numbers?
  • Why the COVID vaccine prompts the development of so many variants — which are then immune to the vaccine
  • Why have other vaccines been banned after dozens of deaths — while the COVID vaccine is promoted as “completely safe” after thousands of deaths?

Airing on January 12 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • Why are so many double-vaccinated people dying from COVID if the vaccines are so effective?
  • How the “Trusted News Initiative” was set up by corporate media giants to crush any information about COVID vaccines that doesn’t conform to their narrative
  • Why the “government experts” and the mainstream media keep pushing masks when so many scientific studies have proven they’re ineffective
  • How government officials and bureaucrats have socially weaponized the COVID vaccine — shaming, bribing, and coercing vulnerable people into getting vaxxed

Airing on January 13 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • How can the “experts” claim that the COVID vaccines are safe when they’re not FDA approved (Emergency Use Authorization only)
  • Why all the major COVID vaccines hijack the body’s genetic machinery (RNA and DNA) for the body to produce the dangerous spike protein — unlike any other vaccines ever produced
  • Why women are advised to postpone mammograms after getting the “completely safe” COVID vax — which causes swelling in the lymph nodes
  • Why have billions of people around the world been forced into life-changing lockdowns through media-generated fear and panic — for a condition that has a 99% survival rate for people under 70?

Airing on January 14 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • Why are pregnant women being told that the COVID vaccines are “completely safe” when Big Pharma and the FDA deliberately excluded pregnant women from randomizing testing to avoid injuring them and their unborn babies?
  • How COVID vaccines are affecting fertility and menstruation
  • Why the “experts” are ignoring the increased the risk of miscarriages
  • Why are nursing mothers being told it’s “completely safe” to take the COVID vaccines — which are passed on to their babies through breast milk?

Airing on January 15 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • Why do the “experts” dismiss Hydroxychloroquine when there are 259 supportive trials on 385,000 individuals demonstrating its safety and effectiveness?
  • Why are you not hearing that studies show 30% fewer deaths and 87% fewer hospitalizations resulting from this family of commonly prescribed meds?
  • Why has Ivermectin — which offers some protection against the spike protein and been proven safe and effective in 60 trials — been dismissed by the “experts”?
  • Which commonly prescribed drug showed a 25% reduction in hospitalization and deaths in 4,000 outpatients with symptomatic COVID?

Airing on January 16 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • How the same governments and “experts” that created a climate of fear, panic, and isolation are pushing the COVID vaccines as the “solution”
  • Why are US state and federal governments bribing vulnerable people into getting vaxxed?
  • How employers can fire unvaxxed employees
  • How governments and schools can forcibly vaccinate children without parental knowledge and consent

Airing on January 17 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • How to stand up for your rights against a powerful government-forced and media-backed vaccine tyranny
  • Why the COVID vaccine is creating a two-tiered society (vaxxed and non-vaxxed)
  • How to fight back against vaccine discrimination
  • How to strengthen yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually to resist being bullied into getting vaxxed

Airing on January 18 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • How the world’s richest and most powerful people are driving the vaccine agenda — including “philanthropic” billionaire Bill Gates who is entrenched with every aspect of the COVID vaccine
  • Why global governments are promising the world will be “transformed” by 2030
  • How the COVID vaccines could lead to transhumanism — where everything is digital and humans are connected to the Internet
  • Why the nanotechnology inside the COVID vaccines could be the first step towards transhumanism

Airing on January 19 | 8PM EST / 5PM PST

  • The number one thing NOT to do
  • Steps to help your body “eat up” abnormal proteins and abnormal cells in your body
  • How the mind can help or hinder reversing the vaccine effects
  • What NOT to eat and why
  • The two emotions to avoid because they suppress the immune system
  • How to boost the immune system naturally and maximize good health

Discover The Vaccines Secrets From Our Leading Experts​

Your Host, Jonathan Otto

As an investigative journalist, filmmaker and humanitarian, Jonathan has produced several popular docu-series covering innovative and effective approaches to cancer, autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disease, mental health, and heart disease.

His work has been featured in international TV broadcasts, print media, national news, and radio broadcasts. He received the awards, Young Citizen of the Year and International Volunteer of the Year, by the Australian government for international humanitarian contributions, which he continues to support.

Jonathan and his wife, Lori, welcomed their first son, Asher, in January 2019.

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